CONNECT2LEAD for Leadership Development

How to Make the Most of DIY Online Management Training

Written by Deb Calvert | Dec 10, 2018 2:00:00 PM

You’re busy. You’re stressed. You’re working long hours and would like to find that elusive work/life balance.

You wish you had a moment to slow down and work on your own development. But there’s no end in sight to all the work you need to do.

And it seems like the more you do, the farther behind you get.

Lots of supervisors have felt the same way you do. That feeling doesn’t go away until you learn and adopt new strategies for time management, delegating, and effectively getting work done through other people.

What you need is a step-by-step online managerial training course that will:

  1. Let you determine the pace of learning.

  2. Be available 24/7 so you can access it when and where you want.

  3. Come to you in small, manageable chunks so you can learn and apply new skills a little at a time.

  4. Fit with the work you already do so you’re not adding even more to your plate.

  5. Cover all the essentials for being a stronger supervisor who is more efficient AND more effective.

  6. Give you actionable tips plus simple tools you can use right away.

  7. Be affordable since you’re investing in yourself.

Even with an awesome course that delivers all that, there’s one more thing you need: a commitment to make a change and get off the hamster wheel you’re on. You'll get out of a DIY course what you put into it. You’ll have to hold yourself accountable and be disciplined enough to see it through. If you do, you’ll regain control of your time, your team, and the results you can get.

7 Tips to Help You Succeed With Online Management Training

  1. Start with the end in mind. What outcome do you want? What do you want to get out of this course? Knowing your “why” will help you find the motivation you need.

  2. Go slow. There’s no need to race through the course. Digest a little bit at a time.

  3. Practice every day. Learn a little bit and then practice it as you do your job. Form new habits and create new routines using your new skills. Then move on to the next lesson.

  4. Learn wherever and whenever it’s convenient for you – on the treadmill at the gym, while waiting for your child at soccer practice, in the waiting room at the doctor’s office… Be sure the course you choose is set up for mobile display!

  5. Make a commitment. You’re more likely to get a strong start, practice new skills, and complete the entire course if you make a commitment to yourself or others. Set a deadline for completion (but not too soon!). Pay for a quality course instead of cobbling together unproven, no-cost options – then you’ll feel confident in the course and know you’re investing in yourself.

  6. Measure your progress. Over time, you should see tangible results in the outcomes you set (see tip #1!). It could be reduced hours in the office, less turnover on the team, more opportunities to do strategic work vs. putting out fires, etc.

  7. Reward yourself. Once you see success, celebrate it! Once you complete the program, recognize your accomplishment. Do this publicly so you are a role model for professional development. 

How Much Does a Supervisory Course Cost Online?

The options vary.

You can find 12 hours of online training from the AMA for $1,895. You can find classes on aggregator sites like Udemy, typically ranging from $12.99-$199.99 (note: you’ll need to buy multiple classes to piecemeal together a full training course).  

You can also find full courses that are broken down into modules, include action items and tools, and are based on research and field-testing. One example is Workplace Conversations from People First Productivity Solutions. A full course here, with 10 hours of quality learning, is $399.

As you think about the cost, consider the other factors that matter to you – for example, the ability to apply what you’ve learned, tools you can use immediately, real and measurable change to help you get back on track, and improved team performance as you become more efficient and more effective.  

This is an investment you make in yourself. Your work/life balance, success in your current role, and career progression are worth that investment of both money and time.

One more consideration – what is the cost of not making this investment? How much longer can you stand for things to continue the way they are now?

What Are the Benefits of Supervisory Skills Training?

The benefits are numerous and significant! Here’s a starter list of business benefits in addition to the personal benefits you’ll enjoy:

  1. Retention of high-potential employees

  2. Improved pipeline for succession management

  3. Higher levels of customer satisfaction

  4. Personal satisfaction for leaders who participate

  5. Stronger innovation

  6. Strategic focus on the future vs. tactical focus on the present

  7. Growth in top-line revenue

  8. Savings in expenses

  9. Improved profitability

  10. Increased rates of productivity

These benefits are all well-documented by research. They are all the direct result of quality supervisory training. 

That’s why it’s worth it to make a change for your business. You’re worth it, too.