CONNECT2LEAD for Leadership Development

The Joy of Giving

Written by PFPS | Dec 25, 2013 2:00:33 PM

Although seasonally inspired, this topic is timely all year long. It's easy to forget the other 364 days of the year when we're not caught up in the throes of gift-giving and good will toward all.

Sellers may be especially prone to forget the joy of giving. The very nature of selling is to focus on receiving, not giving.

But the joy of giving does enhance the work the seller does. Sellers who first give ultimately receive more in return than sellers who focus exclusively on the "what's in it for me?" question.

What is it, then, that sellers should give?

For starters, they should give their time and attention more completely.  The seller who gives adequate time and attention to fully understand the needs of a buyer is not only a seller who will be more successful  but is also a seller who will find longer-term, more loyal buyers. The gift of your time and undivided attention will be a novelty gift.  It will set you apart from other sellers. When you give this gift, you will be rewarded with long-term relationships.

You could also give a frank assessment. Many sellers choose to give little more than a canned sales pitch. You can give more to your buyers by talking specifically about their businesses and the issues or problems you see. Candor is not the same thing as rudeness. It's refreshing, helpful and a charitable gift because it truly helps your buyers.

How about giving a higher level of service? Everyone talks about this, but very few truly live up to a high standard of consistent and reliable service. Don't wait for your company to serve your customers. Step in and do the unexpected. Fix problems right away. Go the extra mile to make things right for your customer.

You can also give a little more of yourself. Share who you are, what you're all about or something that matters to you. In other words, humanize yourself for your buyer. It doesn't have to be all business all the time. Connections with buyers are multi-faceted. Deep level connections include getting personally acquainted, too.

In a more literal sense, think about what gifts you could be giving to your buyers. They don't have to be expensive. They don't need to be trite or automated or generically sent by the company. The best gifts I have received from people I do business with are personal and inexpensive.  It means a lot to receive a gift that acknowledges that the giver knows you well enough to know what you will genuinely enjoy.

One of my favorite gifts is a donation made in my name to a philanthropic cause I care about. Small donations make me smile every bit as much as larger ones do. This gift is meaningful and validating of the relationship between the seller and me, and that's why it leaves such a favorable impression.

What else can you give all year long? A smile, a word of appreciation, a pass-along piece of information, a time set aside to check in and see how you're doing for your buyer…  Any of these gifts will help you retain your customer and differentiate yourself.

The feeling of joy you're experiencing during this holiday season is one to remember throughout the year. Not just with your family and friends but with your buyers, too. Less focus on receiving and more focus on giving will make you just as popular as Santa Claus himself.