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If You're Not Doing This, Your Buyers Won't Trust You

These 12 Dimensions of Trust represent the 12 ways a seller can build or erode trust with buyers. Each associated action creates a connection or causes a disconnection. Knowing about all 12 Dimensions of Trust empowers a seller who wants strong connections founded in trust. Not knowing leads to buyer mistrust and seller confusion.

dimensions of trust Consistency

“Seller is reliable, steady, predictable” sounds positive, but it could also be limiting at a time when buyers are demanding new ideas from sellers. To differentiate yourself from other reliable, steady, predictable sellers who show up and pitch products the same way every time, use quality questions to stimulate discussion and to make buyers think in new ways.

Consider asking your buyers what’s working and should remain the same in the way you handle the account. Ask, too, what’s not working and needs to change. Be reliable, steady and predictable in your desire to routinely meet your buyers’ needs.

The CONNECT2Sell Blog has been discontinued as our focus has shifted to leadership at every level. Research with buyers demonstrates that buyers respond favorably when sellers show up as leaders. If you'd like to step into your full potential as a leader (and boost sales!), take a look at our free and affordable courses on