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Keep Buyers from Thinking You're Tricking Them

There are 12 ways that a seller can build or erode trust with their buyers, demonstrated by the 12 Dimensions of Trust. Each associated action creates a connection or causes a disconnection. We're reviewing all 12 dimensions each week, so that sellers can be empowered to create strong connections founded in trust, and avoid creating a disconnect with buyers, mistrust, and seller confusion.

dimensions of trustIntegrity

“Seller consistently makes ethical choices” seems straightforward. But two different people looking at the same situation from two different perspectives might interpret this differently. For example, a seller once sacrificed his entire weekend to undo an error so his customer’s order would be perfectly executed. He literally worked day and night to get everything in place, and he fulfilled on over 99% of the order.

Unfortunately, as luck would have it, one of the few remaining products with an error shipped to the buyer’s own home address. When the buyer learned about the seller’s sacrifice in trying to deliver, the buyer perceived the seller’s actions as deceitful rather than as high integrity. Why? Because the seller did not tell the buyer what was going on ahead of time. He worked hard to avoid the embarrassment of admitting a mistake. He thought he acted with integrity by trying to make it right. The buyer felt differently.

cover for site 2015

The CONNECT2Sell Blog has been discontinued as our focus has shifted to leadership at every level. Research with buyers demonstrates that buyers respond favorably when sellers show up as leaders. If you'd like to step into your full potential as a leader (and boost sales!), take a look at our free and affordable courses on