DISCOVER is an acronym for the eight purposes of asking questions. Yes, there are only eight...
Connect2Lead Leadership Blog
For Leaders at Every Level
Your time is valuable. Every precious minute you spend with a prospect who will never be a viable...
Centuries of Western literature and history have portrayed the introvert as somehow lacking when...
Is your leadership language backed up by action? When you say "thank you" or other words typically...
"Customer Support Team Manager."
Naomi's title wasn't Leader. It was Manager. That's why she was...
The old marketing adage is that people have to hear your message seven times before they remember...
Consultative selling doesn’t work anymore. I realize that's a provocative statement, but I think...
Do you have a leadership philosophy?
You may not be leading if you have abdicated your opportunities to do so.
We really need to reframe what it means to lead and how our identity is wrapped up in leadership.