The preferences of buyers are that we begin to do things a little bit beyond the ordinary. Buyers...
Connect2Lead Leadership Blog
For Leaders at Every Level
Leaders don't indulge in counterproductive negative talk. They put a stop to it when someone comes...
A few months ago, someone asked me a fascinating question via LinkedIn. The question, based on a...
Nearly every relationship starts with courage. To meet someone and get to know him or her requires...
Temper tantrums. Fist fights. Shouting matches. Turf wars.
They expected other cross-functional...
They say there's no "I" in team. But does every member of your team operate that way? If there are...
When sellers make assumptions, sales are lost.
Assuming is not only dangerous. It’s arrogant. It’s...
“The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior...
A good team worker is not limited to one department, one industry, or one company.
Every single...
As you know, seasoned sales leaders are retiring at a record pace. Many of us are concerned,...